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发表于 2009-5-7 16:55:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>baby won't <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> tell me <FONT color=#c60a00>why</FONT> there is sadness in your eyes<BR>i don't wanna say goodbye <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT><BR>love is one big illusion i should try <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> forget<BR>but there is something left in my head <BR><BR><FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT>'re the one who set it up now <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT>'re the one <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> make it stop<BR>i'm the one who'<FONT color=#c60a00>s</FONT> feeling lost right now<BR>now <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> want me <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> forget every little thing <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> said<BR>but there is something left in my head <BR><BR>chorus:i won't forget the way <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT>'re kissing<BR>the feeling'<FONT color=#c60a00>s</FONT> so strong were lasting for so long<BR>but i'm not the man your heart is missing<BR><FONT color=#c60a00>that</FONT>'<FONT color=#c60a00>s</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>why</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>go</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>away</FONT> i know <BR><BR><FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> were never satisfied no matter how i tried<BR>now <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> wanna say goodbye <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> me<BR>love is one big illusion i should try <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> forget<BR>but there is something left in my head <BR><BR>chorus:i won't forget the way <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT>'re kissing<BR>the feeling'<FONT color=#c60a00>s</FONT> so strong were lasting for so long<BR>but i'm not the man your heart is missing<BR><FONT color=#c60a00>that</FONT>'<FONT color=#c60a00>s</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>why</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>go</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>away</FONT> i know <BR><BR>sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere<BR>don't know which way <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>go</FONT><BR>there ain't so much <FONT color=#c60a00>to</FONT> say now between us<BR>there ain't so much for <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT><BR>there ain't so much for me anymore <BR><BR>chorus:i won't forget the way <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT>'re kissing<BR>the feeling'<FONT color=#c60a00>s</FONT> so strong were lasting for so long<BR>but i'm not the man your heart is missing<BR><BR><FONT color=#c60a00>that</FONT>'<FONT color=#c60a00>s</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>why</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>you</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>go</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>away</FONT> i know </P>
<P>英文名:Michael Learns To Rock </P>
<P>被形容是斯堪地那维亚音乐传统与西洋流行音乐的甜美相遇的迈克学摇滚绝非「<A href="http://baike.baidu.com/view/6431.htm" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>丹麦</FONT></A>团」三个字就可以草草了事,他们全球800万张惊人的销售量不但是一般乐团少有的,迈克学摇滚深入流行音乐情感层面并从中精确掌握音符组构成果的能力,使得他们成为丹麦流行音乐史上最成功的团体之一。迈克学摇滚在家乡已经有超过五十万张唱片的销售纪录,但更惊人的是他们在全球的销售数字更是高达八百万张之谱!其中更在亚洲更是掀起一阵流行狂潮。</P>

[ 本帖最后由 mamanio 于 2009-5-7 16:58 编辑 ]

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