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Noah and The Whale - 5 Years Time心情飞扬地置身英国乡村

发表于 2008-11-1 01:51:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<span style="line-height: 15pt;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">
专辑:Noah &amp; the Whale 又名: Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down f.oY:3h: &nbsp;<br>
歌手:Noah &amp; the Whale oblw!) &nbsp;<br>
公司:Cherry Tree Records &lt;8Zs; &gt;YuK &nbsp;<br>
发行:2008-08-05 N}{V*H^0QU &nbsp;<br>
语言:英语 kXUJlLod &nbsp;<br>
BrzTOkeyG &nbsp;<br>
简介: Dsv2p~ &nbsp;<br>
  这张《Peaceful The World Lays Me Down》是来自英国伦敦的独立流行乐团Noah and the
Whale的首张正式专辑,在8月的英国流行音乐专辑榜中,本张专辑首周上榜,空降第五位,算是一个相当出色的成绩了。 ?hIDy M &nbsp;<br>
  Noah and the Whale由Charlie Fink(主唱/吉他/口琴/夏威夷四弦琴)、Tom
Hobden(小提琴)、Urby(脚踏式风琴/贝斯)、Laura Marling(伴唱)和Doug
Fink(鼓)等几位成员组成。早在去年九月,Noah and the Whale乐团就通过Young and Lost
Club厂牌推出了他们的首支单曲《5 Years Time》。今年1月,乐队又推出了他们的第二支单曲《2 Bodies, 1
Heart》,同样得到了歌迷的好评。又经过了半年多的酝酿,Noah and the Whale终于推出了这张完整的专辑。从第一首《2
Atoms In A
Charlie Fink挺有特点的声音、富有活力的小提琴、轻松的木吉他、舒缓的弦乐、随意的口哨...都是这张《Peaceful The
World Lays Me Down》吸引人的地方,喜欢旋律化的Indie Pop和民谣的歌迷们应该会喜欢这张专辑。<br><br><br></span></span> <br><a style="left: 0px ! important; top: 15px ! important;" title="点击这里使 Adblock Plus 过滤该对象" class="abp-objtab-08049085296102473 visible ontop" href="http://8box.cn/feed/000000_s_217515_/mini.swf"></a><embed src="http://8box.cn/feed/000000_s_217515_/mini.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="32" width="160"><span style="line-height: 15pt;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Noah and The Whale - 5 Years Time<br>
Oh well,<br>
In 5 years time we could be walking around a zoo<br>
With the sun shining down over me and you<br>
and there'll be love in the bodies of the elephants turning up<br>
Put my hands over your eyes, but you peek through<br>
And there'll be,<br>
Sun Sun Sun,<br>
All over our bodies,<br>
and Sun Sun Sun,<br>
All down our necks,<br>
and there'll be,<br>
Sun Sun Sun,<br>
All over our faces,<br>
and Sun Sun Sun.<br>
So what the heck,<br>
Coz' I'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes,<br>
And we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke.<br>
All those stupid little ciggarettes and drink stupid wine,<br>
Cuz' it was what we needed to have a good time.<br>
And it was,<br>
Fun Fun Fun<br>
When we were drinking<br>
It was,<br>
Fun Fun Fun<br>
When we were drunk<br>
And it was,<br>
Fun Fun Fun<br>
When we were laughing,<br>
It was,<br>
Fun Fun Fun,<br>
Oh it was fun.<br>
Oh well I look at you and say it's the happiest I have ever been<br>
and I'll say I feel I no longer have to be James Dean,<br>
and She'll say,<br>
Oh yeah, Well I feel pretty happy too,<br>
And I'm always pretty happy when I'm just kicking back with you.<br>
and it will be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
All through our bodies<br>
Love Love Love<br>
All through our minds<br>
and it'd be<br>
Love love Love<br>
All over her face<br>
and Love Love Love<br>
All over mine.<br>
And in the oddest moments and just scratching my head<br>
I'll be thinking about families n' lying in bed<br>
Even though I believe it may not even come true<br>
But in my mind I'm having a pretty good time with you.<br>
Oh, Five years time<br>
I might not know you,<br>
In Five Years Time<br>
We might not speak at all and<br>
In Five Years Time<br>
We might not get along<br>
In Five Years Time<br>
You might just prove me wrong.<br>
Oh there'll be,<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Love Love Love<br>
Where ever you go, There'll be<br>
Lyrics by LK Group Kevin Boul</span></span>

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发表于 2008-11-1 10:20:19 | 显示全部楼层
果然欢快清新  旋律简单
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发表于 2008-11-1 10:48:03 | 显示全部楼层
楼主你发到歌曲怎么都听不了,我是在百度上搜索歌曲才听了的。歌曲确实不错 跟楼主说明的那样“心情飞扬的置身英国乡村”
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-1 12:28:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-12 11:36:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-14 21:20:54 | 显示全部楼层
真是 不错 我喜欢这样的饿歌曲 听的就是有感觉  非一般的感觉 支持  顶一下
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